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Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

2016, Level Up Your Life

Hello readers! it's been a long time (It's 2016 already) i didn't write any posts on my blog. So yeah, today I'm gonna write about my thoughts in 2016. First, welcome 2016 (Oh my god I'm so late to say this) and happy Chinese New Year (I'm not a Chinese but i know it's a year of golden monkey, right?). And i would like to thank to you who always read my blog and keep supporting me to write this blog.

So, the post I'm gonna write today is my thought about "What is your resolutions in 2016 as a student?". Right! as a student, study makes you survive in this life. It makes you get a smarter brain ('Cause you were born with a smart brain, of course and practice at school makes your brain perfect). You'll get a job as you want. Have a family, raise children and living your life easier. But, do you want to have your life as same as the others? Like I said before, finish your study, work for your boss, get married, raise a child, living life, etc.

Actually, school or campus give you many activities to join in such as extracuricullars, you can sign up as a volunteer in social events, join in chemistry or astronomy club, or be a member of student organization. It can improve your soft-skill for your life. Now, i want to know what is your activities at school or campus and what's the benefit that you will receive while you join those activities. Tell me on a comment box below Meldinnes!